In this weeks’s edition…
- SEHTA Regional Business Awards 2014
- The BMJ Awards 2015
- Diabetes International Survey 2014
- CSH Surrey Clinical NED Vacancy
- European Commission innovation procurement funding
One of the clearest messages in NHS England’s recent Five Year Forward View is that they do not foresee more reconfiguration of NHS commissioners fixing the problems that healthcare services face.
Change will be on the provider side, in terms of models of care and organisational form.
Developing these new models of care and service provision will be helped fastest in “test bed” sites. These will be sites for combinational innovation, involving health, social care, industry and academia.
Academic Health Science Networks, as systems enablers and catalysers, are in place to support this approach.
Kent Surrey Sussex investment
This gives us an opportunity to build on existing activities designed to increase out of hospital capacity and capability.
Our latest example of this is our work with the Local Pharmacy Networks (funded by Health Education Kent Surrey Sussex) to enhance community pharmacy capability. Funded by £85,000 investment from Health Education England, it will support better access to healthcare advice and treatment through the community pharmacy networks across Kent, Surrey and Sussex. This will help to relieve pressure on Primary Care services, A&E and support patients to self manage their care – increasing independence and quality of life, particularly for older people.
There are two other recent documents which contribute significantly to the integration debate. On 11 November, The King’s Fund published Commissioning and contracting for integrated care and last week the HSJ produced Hospital care for frail older people. This latest document calls on commissioners to “invest in prevention” and help “older people living with long term conditions to avoid crises”. It asserts that better care for frail older people in the community and more integration of health and social care services will lead to “significant, cashable financial savings in the acute hospital sector and across health economies”.
Both documents come in the wake of the joint King’s Fund and Nuffield Trust report The evidence base for integrated care. One the examples cited is the North Lanarkshire Health and Care Partnership. The partnership brings together North Lanarkshire Council and NHS Lanarkshire to deliver better integrated services to four care groups including older people. Their clinical integration has aligned organisational goals and working practices of staff for better care co-ordination and improved care outcomes.
Local solutions will vary across the country. Collaboration across sectors will determine what those solutions are. To support this, we’ll shortly be launching a series of regular seminars to provoke discussion and knowledge exchange prompted by speakers on a number of issues relating to healthcare innovation. Watch this space for more information next week!
Kindest regards,
Guy Boersma
Managing Director, KSS AHSN
SEHTA Regional Business Awards 2014
[South East Health Technologies Alliance]
As part of Medilink UK, SEHTA is celebrating excellence by organising its annual regional competition to select the best achieving companies of 2014 in 5 categories:
- Export Achievement
- Start-up
- Innovation
- Outstanding Achievement
- Partnership with the NHS
Nominations close at 5.00pm on Friday 5th December 2014. Awards will be presented at the KSS Expo and Awards in January.
To download full details and application forms, please click here.
The BMJ Awards 2015
[BMJ Publishing Group Ltd]
Entries are invited to be submitted online for the BMJ Awards via A shortlist in each category will be announced in February. Judging will take place at the end of March.
Diabetes International Survey 2014
[South East Health Technologies Alliance]
South East Health Technologies Alliance and Healthcare Publishing & Events will shortly be launching ‘Diabetes Professional Care’: a free-to-attend conference and exhibition at the Barbican Centre London on 11-12th November 2015.
To help shape the programme they have created a survey which you can access here. (Please note closing date has been extended to 1 December 2014 for survey responses.)
For further information or any queries please contact Clare Ansett:
CSH Surrey Clinical NED Vacancy
CSH Surrey is in search of a Clinical Non-Executive Director. The post is 2-3 days/ month and requires some-one with a clinical qualification to provide input at Board level as well as to chair the Integrated Governance Committee.
Applicants are encouraged to have a confidential discussion with the managing directors before applying. Please contact Sam Scarrott on 0208 394 3840 or to arrange. Closing date 9 January 2015.
European Commission innovation procurement funding
[NHS European Office]
The NHS European Office has identified current EU funding pots resulting from Horizon2020, which can assist local health commissioners seeking to procure technology enabled health/care solutions. Relevant to NHS England’s Technology Enabled Care Services (TECS) programme, the funding opportunities cover both:
- Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) – the procurement of research and development of new innovative solutions before they are commercially available
- Public Procurement of Innovative Solutions (PPI) – the purchase of innovative solutions for unmet needs which are already commercially available but have not yet been deployed on a large scale
The calls vary in size from c.€1-5m per project and close in April 2015. The European Commission has recently published a brochure giving an overview of EU funded innovation procurement projects in the ICT domain.