In this week’s edition:
- Opportunity to Get Involved in the Systems Leadership, Local Vision Programme
- SEHTA AGM & Medical Technologies Evaluation Conference – Update
- The 2014 NHS Leadership Recognition Awards – nominations are now open!
- Funding Opportunity for Innovations to Improve Healthcare
I expect many of you are already looking forward to a King’s Fund event on 25 September: “Realising the potential of primary care”. If it hasn’t surfaced on your radar yet, it’s all about how general practice and colleagues from community settings can provide a more co-ordinated experience of care for their patients. It includes a look at the organisational forms and relationships which can help or hinder this objective.
If you’ve had a chance to peruse the agenda, you’ll have seen it includes strong KSS representation. Speakers include Hazel Carpenter, Accountable Officer, South Kent Coast CCG and Thanet CCG, and Jonathan Serjeant, Clinical Director, Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group. ChenMed, visited recently by colleagues from Surrey and earmarked for further engagement, are also presenting. They’ll be talking about their “concierge” service for the oldest and most vulnerable patients.
One of the clear messages from our conference on 17 June about preventable emergency admissions is local effort is underway and planned to coordinate care more. Primary care has a pivotal role to play here.
We expect there to be a group from KSS to hear of the good work in Brighton, East Kent and find relevant overseas learning from ChenMed. Group bookings to The King’s Fund events are cheaper, so if your organisation is a paying member of the AHSN let us know if you’d like to join a group booking.
We’re holding a post-event dinner discussion afterwards for KSS colleagues to explore this theme further and the opportunities to spread what works faster. Please let us know if you’d be of interested in attending.
Please email if you’re interested in a group booking or evening round table discussion on 25 September.
I think it’s going to be a really interesting event and will help to further develop thinking as we build on the ideas and connections of June 17.
Kind regards,
Guy Boersma
Managing Director, KSS AHSN
Opportunity to Get Involved in the Systems Leadership, Local Vision Programme
The Local Government Authority led, Systems Leadership Steering Group is looking for applications for the second round of Systems Leadership – Local Vision projects across the country. The projects bring people together from across the NHS, public health, local government, social care and other services, in order to create new ways of working on ‘wicked’ issues and achieve measurable improvements in health, care and wellbeing.
Read more here
SEHTA AGM & Medical Technologies Evaluation Conference – Update
In total 65 delegates attended the SEHTA AGM & Medical Technologies Evaluation Conference, held at Leatherhead Food Research on Wednesday 25th June 2014. The event was organised by SEHTA was sponsored by KSS AHSN. We had speakers from NICE, NIHR, KSS AHSN, TSB, NOCRI, APA Parafricta and Cardiocity.
You can now view and download the presentations here.
The 2014 NHS Leadership Recognition Awards – nominations are now open!
The NHS Leadership Recognition Awards celebrate leaders at all levels and across all professions who have ultimately improved people’s health, the public’s experience of the NHS and those leaders who we are truly proud to work alongside.
Nominations are now open. For further information and details, please click here.
Funding Opportunity for Innovations to Improve Healthcare
The Health Foundation is looking for projects that aim to improve health care delivery and/or the way people manage their own health care as part of its new Innovating for Improvement programme.
Successful bidders will receive up to £75,000 of funding, over 15 months, to support the implementation and evaluation of their health care innovation project. Please read the Call for applications on the Health Foundation website and for further information, visit:
The deadline for applications is 12 noon, 5 August 2014.