KSS AHSN Newsletter – 23 May 2014

Feed URL: https://blogs.kent.ac.uk/health-news-events/2014/05/23/kss-ahsn-newsletter-23-may-2014/feed/?withoutcomments=1

Research prize launch!

With just under a month until our 17 June Partnership Day, we’re delighted to launch a competition for the best recent clinical or social care research paper with important relevance to preventable emergency admissions. Entries must be published and emanate from KSS. There is a £5,000 prize and the winner will be announced at the event.

Through this prize, we’re looking to raise awareness and promote the application of the best research on preventable emergency admissions, for example:

  • highlighting innovative new solutions within the NHS
  • demonstrating an impact and benefit to patients and/or organisations
  • increasing the numbers of patients benefiting from research related to reducing preventable emergency hospital admissions
  • demonstrating collaborations within the sector which approach needs
  • from new angles, or projects that apply existing technology in novel ways

  • showcasing good practice and lessons learnt from Kent, Surrey and Sussex and beyond.

Entry is simple – we’d just need a copy of the research paper and a one page supporting statement. You can view the full details on our website.

The closing date is 5pm on 4th June. Good luck!

Enjoyable, interactive, encouraging

The prize is part of a really exciting programme for 17 June. There will be innovative commissioning examples from the Ministry of Justice, the Behavioural Insights Team from Number 10’s Nudge Unit and KSS members showcasing successful integrated provision and innovative procurement.

We have confirmed contributions from thought leaders across academia, industry and health and social care. These include Professor David Oliver, Consultant Geriatrician at the Royal Berkshire Hospital and a Fellow for the Kings Fund, on the ‘Crisis in Emergency Admissions’; Ella Jaczynska from GlaxoSmithKline and the Big Innovation Centre on the opportunities Big Data brings us; and the Coastal West Sussex health economy on the impressive two-year reduction of emergency admissions in their health economy.

I can promise it’ll be enjoyable, highly interactive and, above all, encouraging the right debate and action for this increasing challenge. There’s still a few remaining spaces if you haven’t already registered.

Kind regards,

Guy Boersma
Managing Director, KSS AHSN


Stop press

Congratulations to Dementia Friendly Crawley who have beaten 150 others to
win the local Initiative category at the National Dementia Awards.

Partnership day 17 June – few remaining spaces

Our partnership day on June 17 is an opportunity to meet with colleagues from across the patch and across the sectors in response to the challenge of avoidable emergency admissions. It’s also the chance
to build the relationships needed to spread and adopt best practice at scale – meaning more patients benefiting faster from the best innovations.

The event is filling up, so please email Georgina Margetts

Patient empowerment for quality and sustainability

This report takes a global perspective on how to empower patients to play a more active role in their care.

Drawing lessons from over 100 innovative case studies submitted to the review, it outlines how much the UK has to learn from high, middle and low income countries – and how these lessons should be applied.

To read full report, please click here.

Invitation to attend KSS AHSN: “Making Information Beautiful” event

Opportunity to participate in this major regional event on July 1. It’s aimed at senior clinicians and managers with a practical interest in information and how it’s linked to improving patient care. With speakers from the NHS, industry and academia, we aim to develop an information strategy across the region. The day will include a series of workshops to consider why and how we should be linking data in Kent, Surrey and Sussex.

For further information and to register interest please email, Gill Potts: gill.potts1@nhs.net

SEHTA AGM 2014 & Medical Technologies Evaluation Workshop – Save the date

As a small health technology company – you need evidence to persuade clinicians and care workers that your product is safe, efficacious and cost-effective. But you need help to get the evidence.

This meeting will help introduce you to people and programmes who might be able to help.

For more information and registration, please click here.

HSJ Clinical Research Impact Award 2014 – now open for entries

Could your Trust or CCG be a winner in 2014? This prestigious award is now in its fourth year, and provides an opportunity to celebrate and recognise the inspirational work that is taking place across the NHS to make clinical research core business.

Past winners, Dr Mark Hayward, Director of Research and Dr Kay Macdonald, Strategic Director of Therapies tell us why Sussex Partnership were determined to make clinical research everyone’s

Watch The Guardian interview.

Further information including entry criteria is available on the HSJ website.

The closing date for entries is 20 June.

The views of healthcare leaders on the future of the NHS

The NHS Confederation 2015 Challenge brings into focus the scale and nature of the change needed to ensure a sustainable healthcare system for the future.

Click here to view infographic with the views of healthcare leaders from their national survey.

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