University health experts have made a major contribution to a conference on quality and innovation in the NHS.
The conference on 20 November, entitled Joining the Jigsaw, was hosted by Kent at its Medway campus. It attracted more than 50 delegates, including clinicians and administrators, to discuss various aspects of service delivery, clinical audit and research development.
Among those speaking were Nichola Tyler, a PhD student from the University’s School of Psychology, who presented an evaluation of research on programmes for mentally disordered fire-setting offenders, and Rasa Mikelyte, an alumnus of the same school, who presented a paper on her research into dementia care.
Professor Peter Jeffries, Director of KentHealth – the University department for health and social care expertise in research, training, and innovation – said: ‘This successful conference demonstrated once again that the University of Kent has a major role to play in co-ordinating the debate over healthcare provision and research in the region.
‘The conference attracted delegates from all sections of healthcare, including clinicians and administrators, as well as those conducting research.’
Dr Lona Lockerbie, of the Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust (KMPT), said: ‘KMPT are pleased to be part of a growing partnership with KentHealth.
‘We hope the existing collaboration will grow and include service user involvement in order to develop high calibre research that improves mental health care and treatment across Kent and nationally.’
Joining the Jigsaw was organised by KentHealth, KMPT and the Comprehensive Local Research Network.