PRUComm, the Commissioning and Health Systems Policy Research Unit, is one of several policy research units funded by the Department of Health and is a collaboration between the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the Department of Primary Care at the University of Manchester and the Centre for Health Services Studies at the University of Kent.
Directed by Professor Stephen Peckham at CHSS working with Associate Directors Dr Kath Checkland (University of Manchester) and Dr Pauline Allen (LSHTM), the unit
brings together experts in the study of health services, organisations and commissioning to develop high quality research.
PRUComm’s research programme examines the functioning of health systems, focusing on organisations such as the NHS Commissioning Board and regulators in systems management, and local commissioners’ role in shaping and managing care provision. The Unit’s primary aim is to support the Department of Health in developing commissioning for health and wellbeing, sustaining high quality and effectiveness and developing strong links with policy makers, health regulators, NHS
managers and practitioners.
Stephen Peckham commented: ‘The unit has completed initial research on the development of clinical commissioning groups and is reviewing the evidence on clinically-led commissioning. We are also examining healthcare contracting in the English NHS, supporting the Department of Health’s commissioning policy group’.
‘We will have done our job well if we can help all the players in this vast process to get the best out of commissioning for their organisations, but most of all for patients and the public who are the key focus. Hopefully, we can offer tools to make the process easier’, Stephen said.
For more information about PRUcomm,