I’d like to start this week’s update by sharing the good news that the team leading development of the region’s application for a CLAHRC have reached the next stages of the competition and been invited for interview in early July. Prof Sube Banerjee, CLAHRC Director designate, will be leading a team of up to five colleagues representing all the collaborating organisations, including Sussex Partnership as the lead organisation.
The interview will principally involve discussion of relatively high level strategic issues, although the panel may also wish to focus on the detail of the research plan for the proposed CLAHRC. The AHSN Transition Board, represented by Prof Tom Quinn, is in discussion with Sube and colleagues about how we can further support the CLAHRC team in preparation for the interview.
9 July Partnership Day
Industry representation at our partnership day is going to be strong. We have senior representation from industry bodies (including UKTI, ABHI, TSB, EMIG and the Knowledge Transfer Network), large pharma companies (including Boehringer Ingelheim, GSK, Novartis, Sanofi and Pfizer) and health technology companies (including BT Health, Philips, Docobo and Beckton Dickinson).
We’re delighted that they’re keen to explore opportunities for collaboration in Kent, Surrey and Sussex. The Partnership Day offers a significant opportunity to share insights with senior leaders from LAs, HEIs and NHS organisations and identify potential partnerships for service improvement and new ways of working with mutual benefits. Delegates will leave with a strong sense of where the AHSN is heading and its work plan and programmes going forward.
Attracting this level of industry enthusiasm to meet with academic, health and social care leaders and change agents gives us the prospect of a highly productive day. All AHSN members have been invited to send senior leaders to the Partnership Day and they will be able to feedback to colleagues in their organisations about the discussion and outcomes from the event.
Kind regards
Managing Director
Kent, Surrey and Sussex Academic Health Science Network
What are the facts behind A&E attendances?
With pressures on accident and emergency departments hitting the headlines recently, our latest quarterly monitoring report confirms that the government’s target has been missed as A&E waiting times hit a nine-year high.
For the facts behind A&E attendances, read this quarter’s report and listen to our Chief Economist John Appleby talk through the key figures in his audio slideshow.
Emergency services and emergency care inquiry
This briefing outlines Carers UK’s response to the inquiry on emergency care.
Online event: International Congress on Telehealth and Telecare
This is the third year that the congress has been run and in order for us to expand the reach of the event beyond those who attend in person we are offering free online access to highlights of the event.