“The last era of management was about how much performance we could extract from people … the next is all about how much humanity we can inspire.” Dov Seidman
I wrote last week’s email update with the quote above included, just before attending a NHS Institute session on mobilising individuals committed to a common cause.
A central focus of that day was about getting the most out of busy people who come to work to make a difference for patients, carers and the local community.
Getting a better balance between ‘central targets’ and ‘hearts and minds levers’ was seen as an opportunity for many of the delegates attending from Clinical Commissioning Groups, NHS and non-NHS care providers, and national programme teams.
What does a better balance look like in practice? Well, for reporting compliance or non-compliance on, say, intraoperative fluid management (an evidence-based best practice process recommended for rapid diffusion across the NHS) more impact is being achieved by sharing comparative performance with clinical teams across Kent and Medway, Surrey and Sussex and by reporting the number of patients who have benefited from the process compared to the number who could have benefited. Metrics such as these encourage clinicians to adopt best practice. They also build public confidence.
In this spirit, the AHSN is working to get the balance right when it comes into existence with a license to operate and a remit that includes supporting members to achieve 100% adoption of NICE TAs, more patients participating in clinical trials and wider use of telehealth and telecare assistive technology. Get the balance wrong and we will just build resistance amongst our membership and miss an opportunity to support local improvement efforts.
Kind regards
Guy Boersma
Managing Director (interim)
Kent, Surrey & Sussex Academic Health Science Network
Publications, guidance, research
Service improvement in blood sciences
Working in partnership with the Department of Health Pathology Programme, NHS Improvement has supported a number of blood sciences teams to learn how Lean methodology can enable the service to achieve improvements to support the QIPP transformation programme.
Way forward for clinical senates
The NHS Commissioning Board has published The Way Forward: Clinical Senates.
National board reports on quality
The National Quality Board (NQB) has published its final report setting out how quality will be maintained and improved in the new health system.
NICE affordability test
Methods for the estimation of the NICE cost effectiveness threshold study.