Three University students have been working for 10 weeks over the Summer vacation within research projects in local hospitals as part of a work experience scheme administered by KentHealth and the NIHR Research Design Service (SE). Samantha Rennells from the School of Psychology spent time working with Dr Mohamed Sakel in the neurorehabilitation unit at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust (EKHUFT) in collaboration with Dr David Wilkinson from the University on a project investigating novel therapies for hemi-spacial neglect disorder. Mohamed also hosted Scott Yang, a PhD student from the School of Engineering & Digital Arts. Scott was involved in a project with his EDA supervisors, Dr Farzin Deravi and Dr Jim Ang, and Aida Malovic reviewing the use of new technologies to alleviate severe neurological disorders.
Dr Sakel said ‘These 2 projects fostered collaboration between the neurorehab Unit of EKHUFT and The University of Kent and will lead to novel publications, set a track record for future grant applications and contribute to evidence-based policy’.
A third student, Jessica Jenner from Biosciences, spent time at Medway Maritime Hospital working with Dr Richard Patey on a project researching into feeding difficulties in young infants.
The 2 students at EKHUFT were jointly funded by KentHealth and EKHUFT whilst the student in Medway was funded by KentHealth.