The exams’ period is, for many, one of the most stressful time for students. No matter how much we know that an exam is mainly a method to consolidate learning, it feels as it is something more. We hope we could help you a bit.
If you feel anxious remember to prepare holistically. This is to find out a healthy balance whereby what you eat, drink, exercise, and rest, matters too.
While you revise it is important that you also take care for yourself by finding out some healthy space to relax, meditate, exercise, eat and sleep in moderation.
The BBC (radio 3) has created a web program TUNE MIXTAPE that may help you with your preparation. It is announced in the following manner:
“Whether you’re preparing for exams or struggling to concentrate at work, Radio 3’s In Tune Mixtape is here to help. Each 30-minute mix contains an uninterrupted stream of amazing classical, jazz, folk and world music to help you focus and get the most out of study sessions”.
Pleas clink on this link:
Good luck!