The Pensions team would like to remind the members of the USS pension scheme of the launch of the USS Investment Builder from the 1st October 2016. If you haven’t already done so please login to MY USS and explore the new options to pay additional contributions to boost your pension provisions. Remember if you agree to contribute 1% into the USS Investment Builder the University will match it with a 1% contribution.
If you earn over £55,000 per year you will automatically have contributions in the USS Investment Builder and in addition each April you will have the option to set your own Voluntary Salary Cap (between your earnings and a minimum threshold currently £55,000) in case you are close to breaking the overall or annual pension allowances for tax purposes.
Whilst the Pensions team cannot give you any financial advice they are always open to meet with you and discuss any aspect of your pension arrangements to help you through this complex area, just email or call 16482.