We would like to draw your attention to the guidance available on insuring your private vehicle when travelling on University business:
“If you intend to use your own private vehicle for University business, then you should check with the Insurer or Broker who arranges your own private motor insurance and make certain you are legally covered for such use. A current certificate of motor insurance will confirm the nature of use permitted under a motor policy, but if there is any doubt then ask your Insurer or Broker.
University Motor Fleet Insurance does NOT extend to cover vehicles owned by members of staff.
In the unlikely event a member of staff is unable to extend their own private vehicle insurance to provide cover for University business and the purpose of their business journey is essential, they should contact the Insurance Office for immediate assistance.”
Please can we remind you that, whenever possible, you use the free campus shuttle service when travelling between the Medway and Canterbury campuses.
If you have any queries about this or other insurance matters, please contact Tim Hawkins on t.hawkins-356@kent.ac.uk