Given the current circumstances the majority of the FPA team will be working from home until further notice. As I’m sure will be the case for many of you, this will also involve working non-standard hours to balance childcare and other caring commitments. We would ask during this time that all enquiries and communication are made electronically in the first instance, either through e-mail or via MS Teams. Individual FPA team members will then respond and arrange further discussions as needed.
We will routinely be checking for any messages left on answerphones where this has been set up, but would much prefer communications to come electronically.
Additionally during this period we are suspending the creation and distribution of written budget revisions. We will be sending electronic notification of any budget changes made, attaching any appropriate supporting documentation or information. We will be working with our internal audit function to agree what level of authorisation and agreement is required under this system.
We would ask that all schools and departments bear with us in terms of response times under these challenging circumstances and we appreciate everyone’s patience during this period.
Recurrent Virement Deadline
Please be aware that as in previous years the deadline for posting of recurrent virements for 2019/20 is the 3rd April. This will enable us to take a frozen cut of the roll forward budgets from Agresso in preparation of the University’s 2020/21 bottom up budget.
Given that everyone’s capacity is understandably reduced at this time, please only make changes that you consider vital and material to your ongoing budgets. For further guidance on creating virements please see the FPA website.
Many thanks for your cooperation at this time.