We are getting ready for the changeover to the new E&E structure which takes effect from Weds 6th December. As with any new service, many team members are new in role and we will take some time to operate at full effectiveness. We also have some impactful gaps in staffing across all of our services. We would really appreciate your support to ensure we can manage workloads and in these first few months we concentrate only on work that is absolutely essential. This post focuses on Divisions. For PSDs now being serviced from the Finance Directorate (CSE and IS) we have separately discussed arrangements.
A Roles and responsibilities
As part of the E&E process we have mapped out the current work performed by Divisional finance teams. This chart shows which of these roles fall within the Management Accounting team, which in the Finance Shared Service team and which reside with Divisions and will help you decide which area to contact. We’ll be keeping this under review and will update from time to time.
B Lead contacts
For each Division we are providing a named lead contact across Management Accounting and Finance Shared Services, to help build effective working relationships. The list of lead contacts by Division is here and will change as our services settle in and provisional staff arrangements come to an end. The Management Accounting team will be located in the Registry and the Finance Shared Service in Darwin. Over the weeks to come they will be working more closely with you and will spend some time in your Division.
The Management Accounting team is led by Romesh Wijeyekoon and the Finance Shared Service team is led by Paul Glover.
C Accessing our services
We’re making some changes to the way finance services can be accessed, particularly the Finance Shared Service. For FSS we are introducing a request management system, using Top Desk, to help provide a joined-up service, to manage and monitor workloads and to route work between team members. Our FSS team has been trained in Top Desk and we are looking to roll this from Go Live.
When you need to email the teams after Go Live please use the following email addresses:
Management Accounts:
- Email your named contacts directly. If you are uncertain then please email managementaccounts@kent.ac.uk and we’ll advise who to contact.
- Email financesharedservices@kent.ac.uk which will ensure your query gets routed to the right person for your division via TopDesk. We are making arrangements for existing Divisional email addresses to integrate with the new contact email.
D R&I Finance Team
The R&I Finance team is being reformed with role changes and a different team composition. This team will continue to be led by Oonah Richards. The new team now includes a dedicated new team member who will specifically look after invoicing. For a temporary period of 6 months we also have a specific backlog team to help get us up to date.
You can contact the team using our new email address: FinanceRI@kent.ac.uk