The travel policy has been updated and revised to take into account the changing Covid and political situation. Please note sections 2.3, 2.7, and 7.1 have been changed. Travel can occur, and the rules surrounding travel have been relaxed however travel should still only occur where there is budget available, where it is safe to do so, and where necessary. If you can achieve the same results by attending online, or by not travelling, you should not travel. The University has both a Duty of Care to staff and students travelling, and a financial responsibility, to ensure that travel occurs within budget and safely .The general suspension of student travel overseas has now been removed following the change in Covid guidance, so Travel Exceptions Forms are no longer required to be circulated for all student travel.
Section 7.1 has also been changed to clarify that only outbound and return flight bookings made on a single travel itinerary with the TMC (Key Travel) facilitate the automated registration of a trip for the University’s travel insurance coverage. All other travel must be registered manually for the travel insurance coverage using the online registration form.
You must not travel to sites in FCDO Red Zones, including war zones, for any reason. Whilst staff and student travel restrictions are lifted, the expectation is that travel should only occur where it is safe to do so and where this travel achieves outputs and results not possible through not travelling. You must not assume that staff and student travel can occur as often as it did before Covid.
The Updated Policy is published here.