Payment In Advance
Some of our suppliers are requesting that the University pay for goods, works or services before it is delivered, and/or at the time of order. The University policy is not to pay in advance for any work and only the Procurement Team can approve advance payments.
Advance payments or payments at time of order must not be agreed by anyone except the Procurement Team, and will only normally be approved by Procurement in exceptional circumstances (for example when the items are made to order or bespoke, and where the investment costs by the supplier are considerable, with a long period between order and payment).
It is not appropriate for advance payments to be in order to use up budget at the end of the year, and in accordance with the year-end guidance and procedure notes, costs can only be recognised in the current year accounts once goods or services have actually been received. Payment in advance weakens the University in event of failure to deliver or unsatisfactory delivery and performance.
Artistic performances are exempt from this.
Contracted Suppliers
The team has published a list of the major contracts and suppliers : please refer to this before making any purchase decisions. It is published here.