Commercial Bank account.
We now have a dedicated Commercial Debt Bank account
Sort code 60-04-27
Account No. 62726250
New Commercial account email address
We have also introduced a new email account as Sarah McCalden and Katrina Godley have been sharing the will be managed by Katrina Godley for all commercial debt communications. will be managed by Sarah McCalden for ex-student debtors.
Invoicing of continuation Fees and Bench Fees
The hand written pink invoices have been replaced with an electronic version.
Please contact Katrina on for a template if you do not already have one.
- When raising an invoice please contact Katrina for a unique number for your invoice.
- Complete your invoice and store a copy for your own records
- Email a copy to the student and copy in and
The Income office will process your invoice.
Staff News
Congratulations to Ellie Lawson and Maddy Kendall-Smith on passing their current AAT exam with top marks, both in the high 90%.