As of Monday 23rd Nov, FPA will be restructuring for a period (relating to the departure of Helen Pawley and Victoria Blackburn at the end of the month) and consequently your main point of contact within FPA may have changed.
To help to us manage this change smoothly during the initial handover period please could you send any emails to the shared FPA email account (, where the relevant individual will be able to respond accordingly. This change will only affect the following list of areas for which the new FPA contact is as indicated below for information.
Kent Business School – Katie Annoot
Graduate and Researcher College – Paul Field
Strategic Planning & Performance – Andrea Peett
Safety, Health and Environment – Sarah Terry
Central Management – Sarah Terry
OVC – Sarah Terry
Governance & Assurance – Sarah Terry
ICCI (including Music) – Sarah Terry
Engagement – Andrea Peett
DaLL– Katie Annoot