Finance are pleased to announce the launch of the new Financial Authority Limit application process.
If you require financial authority from 2 November 2020, you will need to follow the following process:
- Click on the link to complete our new form - On completion, click ‘Submit for Approval’ to forward the form to the appropriate approvers
- Check to make sure you receive a confirmation email, both when a form is submitted and again when the process is complete.
Please note that ALL existing financial authority approvers will need to complete the form. Some staff may see changes from their current approval levels, with new form designed to reflect the existing paper on Financial Authority Limits. For information, financial authority can only be set up at cost-centre level.
The forms have been designed to include a workflow to allow for oversight by senior budget holders where appropriate. When a staff member submits an application form, it will be emailed to their Director of Division or Head of Professional Service for approval (Directors of Operations will be cc’ed but will not be able to approve). Forms can be rejected at this stage if incorrect requests are made and resubmitted if necessary. Once Divisional/Departmental approval has been granted, the form will be forwarded to Finance for confirmation and upload into UBW.
Guidance notes to support you in completing the form or in using the new approval process have been included below and on the landing page of the SharePoint site.
Should you have any issues, please contact Vicky Gatward-Warner in the first instance.
Financial Authority SharePoint – Guidance for Applicants v1.1
Financial Authority SharePoint – Guidance for Approvers v1.1