The University has recently awarded a University-wide mobile phone, voice, and data contract with Telefonica O2 which starts on Tuesday 26th November. The University has previously held a contract with 02 through Barclay Communications managed by Estates, and there are also a number of Departments which have held individual contracts direct with O2 for mobile phones.. These individual contracts will be terminated when the new contract starts, and moved into the new University-wide contract and all mobile phone requirements in future will be sourced through the Estates Mobile Phones team on this central contract.
The new contract will be a Sharer Account where all users will share 600GB data per month. This will be on a sim only contract and handsets will be purchased separately as a one-off payment.
From 26 November, your mobile phone tariff will change – and whilst for a small number of users these may rise, overall, phone, voice and data costs for the University will be lower with a projected cost reduction of circa 50% under a centrally agreed contract. The contracted cost per user will be £5.73 a month.
You should not encounter any problems with your service with O2 but on the day the contract changes you may receive a text message or other communication informing you of the need to switch off / restart your handset. Your signal may not be available; if this is the case please switch off and restart your device so the number is connected to the new provider of O2.
If you have any queries, please email headed by Richard Charley