If you need to discuss your financial arrangements please contact the Income Office.
The student account controllers will be available, in person, as follows:
Saturday 16th to Thursday 22 September : Sports Hall 10:00 – 16:30
Friday 22 September: Sports Hall 10.00 – 12.00
Monday 25 September to Thursday 5 October: Senate Committee Room 2 (downstairs in the Senate Building – this is the building in front of the Templeman Library) 10:00 – 16:00
Friday 6 October: OFFICE CLOSED
Please DO NOT e-mail the finance team or income office. Over this period they will be dealing with personal callers who are making fee payments. The volume of e-mails received at this time of year make it very difficult to sort enquiries into any priority. If you need to discuss your case please go and see the student account controllers at the locations listed above.