If you are a Head of School/Department or financial administrator, you should soon receive a copy of the detailed coded bottom-up budget for your cost centre(s). This spreadsheet shows direct income and expenditure budgets for 2014/15 at Agresso code level.
The budget is based on the prior year’s ‘roll forward’ budget (original budget plus any recurrent changes made during the year) with added inflation. Agreed ‘urgent’ planning round bids are allocated and staff budgets are adjusted to match updated staff lists.
Budget update memos will be sent out with the bottom-up budget containing explanatory information. The memoranda for this year are available to download below:
Budget explanation for Academic Schools – July 2014.pdf
Budget Update for Central Departments – July 2014.pdf
The information in your bottom-up budget will be very helpful if you plan to work on any budget virements at the beginning of the new financial year. For more information on virements see our virement FAQ.