For our third meeting, we have agreed to read some pieces by Dr. Margrethe Bruun Vaage, who joined the University of Kent as a Lecturer in Film Studies in 2013.
All of these pieces should be available for student and faculty access in the Templeman Library’s online facilities.
Vaage, Margrethe Bruun. 2006. “The Empathic Film Spectator in Analytic Philosophy and Naturalized Phenomenology.” Film and Philosophy 10: 21–38.
———. 2009a. “The Role of Empathy in Gregory Currie’s Philosophy of Film.” British Journal of Aesthetics 49(2): 109–28.
———. 2009b. “Self-Reflection: Beyond Conventional Fiction Film Engagement.” Nordicom Review 30(2): 159–78.
———. 2010. “Fiction Film and the Varieties of Empathic Engagement.” Midwest Studies in Philosophy XXXIV: 158-179.