About this blog

Welcome to the Equality Matters blog! 

This is a space for discussion regarding gender equality and intersectionality at University of Kent. We welcome comments and guest blogs from UoK staff/students and external guests on these topics and encourage healthy, respectful debates.

We post regular blogs from members of the Athena SWAN team that could spark discussion and bring about lunchtime conversations to shed light on issues that are often hidden or unspoken.

The blog is hosted by the University of Kent’s Athena SWAN team, however opinions posted here are not representative of an official view of the team or of Athena SWAN. Blogs are written by individual team members, invited bloggers, staff and students at the University and members of the public.

We will not tolerate any abusive comments or harassment, and any posts that contain personal details will be removed.

Recent Posts

LGBTQ+ in Lockdown

We are once again showcasing our student LGBTQ+ History Month exhibition, LGBTQ+ in Lockdown. In addition to the artwork that can be seen in Keynes Atrium, we have also created some audio recordings of the poetry and writing that can be found in the artwork. Listen to the clips below, and make sure to visit the exhibition before the 12th August!

Here is a link to the folder of audio and video files in the exhibition.

With thanks to the vocal stylings of Leroy Cohoone, for reading the poems and prose beautifully.

You can also watch a video of the poem The Silent L performed by the artist, Hannah Ost, by clicking here.

To hear some of our students talk about their experiences in Lockdown, click here.


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