Call for Papers
‘Synthesis’ Postgraduate Conference
An interdisciplinary conference on arts, humanities, and the social sciences.
University of Kent at Canterbury
Saturday 19 October 2013
‘Synthesis’ is a one-day conference which will seek to examine critically what it means to work across disciplines; what the challenges and opportunities are of working in this way; what can be learned from each other, and what the future holds for interdisciplinary research.
The conference will provide a welcoming and engaging platform for students to present a section of their work in progress through to published research. It is specifically aimed at postgraduate and early-career researchers who are working across disciplinary boundaries.
We would like to hear from you if you are working interdisciplinary and would like to present a 15 minute paper at the conference. You are asked to make your submission, which should be no longer than 250 words, as a Word document, headed by your name and full contact details, your (broad) area of research, the title of your paper, and any audio-visual requests you may have (PowerPoint, dvd player etc.)
Proposals should be sent to by 10 August 2013
This conference is free for University of Kent students.
Conference organisers: Lindsey Cox, Jenny Harmer
Conference supported by
Graduate School Student Experience Awards