CFP: “Synthesis” Postgraduate Conference, UKC, Sat. 19th Oct 2013

Call for Papers

‘Synthesis’ Postgraduate Conference

An interdisciplinary conference on arts, humanities, and the social sciences.

University of Kent at Canterbury

Saturday 19 October 2013

‘Synthesis’ is a one-day conference which will seek to examine critically what it means to work across disciplines; what the challenges and opportunities are of working in this way; what can be learned from each other, and what the future holds for interdisciplinary research.

The conference will provide a welcoming and engaging platform for students to present a section of their work in progress through to published research. It is specifically aimed at postgraduate and early-career researchers who are working across disciplinary boundaries.

We would like to hear from you if you are working interdisciplinary and would like to present a 15 minute paper at the conference. You are asked to make your submission, which should be no longer than 250 words, as a Word document, headed by your name and full contact details, your (broad) area of research, the title of your paper, and any audio-visual requests you may have (PowerPoint, dvd player etc.)

Proposals should be sent to by 10 August 2013

This conference is free for University of Kent students.

Conference organisers: Lindsey Cox, Jenny Harmer

Conference supported by

Kent Logo

Graduate School Student Experience Awards

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