Patricia Debney (Reader in Creative Writing in the School of English) will be launching her recently published collection of poetry, Baby, (Cinnamon Press, 2016) at the Creative Writing Reading Series on Tuesday 11 October. This latest collection looks back at ‘a dysfunctional childhood and a mother who lived a life always on the verge of destruction’. The collection is, ultimately, a celebration of love and family. The poet Jane Monson said of the publication:
‘A compelling third collection, Baby is as quick to illuminate as it is to enshadow. Debney’s unique organisation of fragments, prose poetry and white space, mirrors with a precise and unflinching hand the stuff of life at its most human; that which stays, returns and then vanishes.’
Patricia Debney’s other publications include Gestation (Shearsman Chapbooks, 2014) and a collection of prose poems, Littoral (Shearsman Books, 2013). Her first collection, How to Be a Dragonfly (Smith Doorstop Books), won the 2004 Poetry Business Book & Pamphlet Competition.
The Creative Writing Reading Series is open to students, staff and members of the public and takes place every Tuesday during term time in the Keynes Senior Common Room from 6pm. A donation of £2 is encouraged. Refreshments available.