Susanna Holloway (who graduated with a degree in English and American Literature in 2008) is celebrating the success of her first novel Famous Haunts. Susanna hopes the novel, which was self-published and is available to download on Amazon, will be the first of many. Susanna wrote to us to tell us about the experience of self-publication:
“I found the process quite daunting to begin with, because it’s something I knew very littleabout, but as soon as I started looking into it online I found a whole community of indie authors who are really supportive of oneanother and very happy to give advice tonewbies To any aspiring authors, I’d say self-publication is really worth looking into, and the feedback is almostinstantaneous – I had reviews posted just a fewdays after uploading, and they’ve all been really encouraging.”
We wish Susanna every success with her research trip to Egypt and eagerly await news of her next book.