Successful ‘English at Kent’ day

The School of English held its first English at Kent day on Saturday 10th November 2012, playing host to over sixty prospective undergraduate students and their guests. The day was designed to give prospective students the chance to experience what it would be like to study English at Kent and provide a deeper insight into both the course and university life.

The day opened in the Woolf lecture theatre with members of academic staff providing introductions to the four English modules we offer to first year students as well as brief sessions on Creative Writing, the Year Abroad and personal statements. After lunch we ran mini seminars on different areas of literature taught at Kent, providing students an insight into academic study at university level.

The feedback that we received from those attending was overwhelmingly positive and we would like to thank all the students and staff who gave their time and enthusiasm to making sure the day was a success. The visitors were impressed with the warm welcome they received, the variety of modules on offer and, the enthusiasm and commitment of both the students and the academic staff.