Congratulations on being invited to your EP Reward interview! We know you will have some questions about the interview and how to give yourself the best possible chance of securing this exciting opportunity, so we have put together some top tips for you. We hope that these help you in your preparations and give you every chance of success!
Dress appropriately – Make sure that you dress smartly (ideally in business attire), even if this is just for work experience.
Research the organisation – Doing your research beforehand means that your interest in and value for working with the employer will shine through in the interview.
Why this reward? – Think about why this reward in particular is important to you, and be sure to emphasise this to the interviewer.
Make time to practice – Practice some standard interview questions to help boost your confidence and make you feel more prepared. Find some example questions and other interview advice on the Careers and Employability website.
Get support from us – Book a mock interview with one of our team members in the Careers Service, which will help you feel more prepared and confident for the real thing. Be sure to book a slot via Target Connect quickly before they are all snapped up!
Virtual preparation – If your interview is going to be conducted virtually via video, do think about the ideal environment for this: try to place yourself in a location that is free from distractions (potential noise as well as visual distractions for both you and the interviewer) and that has good internet connection. Be sure dress smartly for virtual interviews as well.
Logistics – think about the logistics surrounding your potential rewards experience in case you are asked about these: For instance: how do you intend on travelling to the location and what is your availability like over the summer to be sure that you are able to attend the experience.
The links below are also to help you prepare. One is an in-depth look at how to best prepare for a face to face interview, the other contains some of the potential questions you may be asked in your EP interview.
Don’t forget that we’re here to support you, so if you need help at all just ask! You can contact the EP team via
We wish you all every success with your interviews, and very much look forward to hearing from successful students about their rewards experiences over the coming months!