New EP Rewards Announced!

Week 10

We are very pleased to announce that we have the following sponsors signed up to EP, offering opportunities in business development, ecology, coding, content writing and more!

Work experience focused on business development and client relationships and a project placement focusing on the creation of a social media strategy for the company.

Public speaking skills development session.

An internship focusing on reviewing strategic projects being undertaken by the council. This will cover public perception, research, policy and more.

An internship in project management, as well as work experience placements in graphic design and web development/coding.

Internships in content writing, web development and digital marketing.

Work experience focused on ecological surveys and report writing looking at Kent-based wildlife.

Work experience placements focused on engaging the community with activities and events both within Canterbury Cathedral and/or as outreach across East Kent.

We’ll have more companies to announce next week, and if you have any questions in the meantime, email: