The Centre for European Agri-Environmental Economics (CEAS) is to hold a PhD workshop on microeconomics on Thursday 26 November 2015, chaired by Ulrike Hotopp, Chief Economist at Defra.
The workshop is designed for PhD students with an interest in agri-environmental topics, however any Economics staff and PhD students are welcome to attend. The workshop will give the opportunity for PhD students at the earlier stages of their research to present and discuss preliminary results, and also for more advanced students to present chapters of their PhD and receive advice on how they can best publish their work. There will be six presentations, each lasting for 20-25 minutes followed by 5-10 minutes discussion at the end.
The seminar will be held at the University of Kent, Cornwallis North West seminar room 7 (CNWsr7). For further information, see the CEAS website.