We are hosting the third edition of our workshop, this time a collaboration with joint with the Banks of England and Bristol University and invite submissions for a workshop to be held, in person at the University of Kent from Thursday 4th April to Friday 5th April 2024.
We welcome submissions in all areas related to the three themes in the call title, either empirical or theoretical. As a guide, we encourage papers in macroeconomics related to the following topics:
● Inflation and market power
● Imperfect competition and strategic interactions
● Firm entry and exit
● Production function estimation and market power measurement
● Returns to scale
● Business dynamism
● UK productivity puzzle
● Productivity slowdown
Papers will be chosen so that sessions are as complementary as possible. Presenters will be offered accommodation for the duration of the workshop.
The programs for the two previous workshops can be found here.
The deadline for submissions is 1st February 2024.
Please submit your paper here.
The Organizing Committee:
Anthony Savagar (University of Kent & Centre for Macroeconomics)
Sophie Piton (Bank of England & Centre for Macroeconomics)
Sergio Feijoo (University of Bristol)
Joel Kariel (Competition and Markets Authority & University of Kent)
Decisions will be announced in mid-February.