PhD Macroeconomic Workshop 8-9 April 2015

“Recent Developments in Money, Macroeconomics and Finance”, University of York, 8-9 April 2015

Sponsored by the Money, Macro, Finance Group, the Centre for Applied Macro-Finance (CAMF) and the Department of Economics at the University of York, University of Sheffield and the Bank of England.

Together with colleagues at the University of York, University of Sheffield and the Bank of England, the Money Macro and Finance group, MMF, are organising another annual workshop for UK-based PhD economists in the broad fields of money, macro and finance, following the success of the inaugural conference at Warwick last year.

The main objective of the workshop is to provide advanced PhD economists, about to go on the job market, with an opportunity to present their research to their peers and leading researchers in the field in order to obtain feedback and practice the presentation of their key research ideas. An added bonus is that it allows for some early dissemination of these ideas across the research and policy-making community. As well as senior academics, the conference will be attended by economists from the Bank of England and H M Treasury.

We invite submissions of complete papers from PhD students who are registered for their research degree at UK institutions of higher education. Topics may include but are not confined to macroeconomic theory, time series, panel data, Bayesian macro-econometrics and economic and financial history. Attendees should note that they may be asked to discuss a paper. The costs of attendance at the conference and reasonable travel costs will be met by the sponsors. Should you wish simply to attend please contact the organisers directly.

The Scientific Committee for the conference in 2015 will include the local organisers Mauro Bambi, Gulcin Ozkan, Neil Rankin, Peter Smith and Peter Spencer (University of York) and Christoph Thoenissen (University of Sheffield), Kevin Lee (University of Nottingham and MMF), Jagjit Chadha (University of Kent and MMF) and Stephen Millard (Bank of England and MMF).

The deadline for the submission of papers is January 23, 2015. Please submit papers along with a covering letter confirming your status in an email with “PhD Conference Submission” in the Subject Heading, to Authors will be notified by February 27, 2014 and the programme published shortly thereafter.