Dr William Collier, Lecturer in Economics, has been awarded one of four University Teaching Prizes for 2010-2011. William lectures in policy analysis and applied microeconometrics on the postgraduate programme, and is also Director of Stage 1 Undergraduate Studies.
The teaching prizes are awarded each year, one to each faculty in the University, to recognise individual staff or teams for outstanding work in teaching and/or learning support.
William was awarded the Social Sciences Faculty Prize jointly with Dr Ben Lowe (Lecturer in Marketing) and Des Laffey (Lecturer in E-Commerce) for their project on using Twitter to enhance student learning. This was an innovative collaboration between Kent Business School and the School of Economics, which was particularly well received by students.
The Vice Chancellor will present these awards at a ceremony on Monday 3 October 2011. For further information about the ceremony please contact the Unit for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching.