Professor Jagjit Chadha co-hosted the Second Modern Macroeconomic Policy-making Conference on 1 and 2 September at Clare College, Cambridge.
The two-day conference was an opportunity for experts to exchange views on recent advances in both theoretical and empirical analysis of financial markets, including money and the capital markets as the possible implications of the lessons from the recent financial crisis on research in macro-finance.
Academics shared their views with central bankers from the Federal Reserve (US), the Bank of England, several national central banks of the Eurosystem (Banque de France, Bank of Italy, National Bank of Belgium, Central Bank of Ireland), Bank of Korea, Bank of Canada, Central Bank of Venezuela, and the Bank for International Settlements.
Keynote speakers on the first day included Paul Fisher (Executive Director for Market, Bank of England) and Philip Turne (Deputy Head of the Monetary and Economics Department, Bank for International Settlements), with Glenn Rudebusch (Executive Vice President and Director of Research, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco) and Frank Smets (Director General of the Directorate General Research, European Central Bank) on the second day of the conference.
Amongst the attendees were academics from IESEG School of Management (France), Cambridge University (UK), universities of Aston, Birmingham, Cardiff, Essex, Kent, Nottingham, York (UK), Cass Business School (UK), Imperial College Business School (UK), National University of Galway (IE), University of Basel (CH), University of Bologna (IT), University of Copenhagen (DK), University of Liège (BE), Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (BR), University of Western Ontario (CA), University of New South Wales (AU).
Summer school lectures
Professor Chadha also gave a summer school series of lectures on the term structure of interest rates to some 20 German and Kent-based PhD students at the University of Marburg from 5-9 September.
The German PhD students came from seven German universities: Augsburg, Heidelberg, Frankfurt Giessen, Kassel, Marburg and Siegen. Five PhD students from the School of Economics also attended.