March Round Up

International Women’s Day is marked in March bringing attention to issues of gender inequality. Our school is proud of the incredible research conducted here, to improve the lives of women globally, much of it carried out by amazing women economists, blazing a trail. We celebrate this in our March News RoundUp. 

For richer, for poorer?

Happiness Economics

Running hot and cold.

  • Professor Irma Clots (along with Dr Amrit Amirapu) was awarded a prestigious IZA IRECC award for a paper providing evidence between extreme weather and voter turn-out in low income countries.
  • Guardez l’eau. Dr Bansi Malde and Dr Zak Wahhaj have been examining the increase in adoption of safe toilets in rural India. Be privy to the full story.

Employability Knocks

  • Dr Penélope Pacheco-López is Director of Placements and convenes our incredibly popular Year in Industry programme. She welcomed back two of our students, currently at placements at Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley to inspire the next cohort for the hustle and bustle. Discover more.

Save the Date

  • The 2023 DeReCK Lecture Series kicks off with Stefan Professor Stefan Dercon. Diarize this.