The Evolution of Open Access

Professor Iain Fraser

Agricultural and environmental economics journal Q Open editorial highlights growing requirements to publish funded research in open access journals

Professor Iain Fraser lead editor of Q Open journal that is a collaboration between the European Agricultural and Applied Economics Publication (EAAEP) Foundation and the Oxford University Press (OUP) has published an edition with a focus on open access publishing.
Open Access Publishing ‘is something of rapidly growing importance to any researcher seeking research funding.’ Fraser explained.

‘The rationale and role that Q Open can play within our profession is growing. Specifically, we are seeing rapidly changing demands being placed on academic researchers regarding the need to ensure open availability of research output as part of a wider open science agenda.’


The publication launched in 2020 responding to changes in the publication industry and Fraser leads an editorial team that includes Erwin Bulte, Vincenzina Caputo, Phoebe Koundouri, and David Lewis.  The Q refers to the Q-code of research topics in the Journal of Economic Literature, and signals that the journal is much broader in scope than agricultural economics, and  covers areas as developing economics, resource economics, climate economics, food economics and environmental economics.

Find the latest edition here.