Economics Induction Week 19-23 September 2011

Economics Induction Week 19-23 September 2011

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New undergraduate students

Induction events for Economics Stage 1 students are listed below. In addition other University and Faculty talks take place during this week which you may need to attend. Please ensure you attend all the relevant events.

Timetable for new undergraduate students:

Monday 19 September

11:30-12:30 Library tour for Economics students
Venue: Templeman Library

13.00-13:45 Introduction to School
Venue: Keynes Lecture Theatre 1
(Introductory talk, by DOS)

14:00-16:00 Film (Freakeconomics) followed by discussion
Venue: Keynes Lecture Theatre 1

16:00-18:00 Informal drinks and nibbles
Venue: Keynes Atrium

Tuesday 20 September

10:00-12:00 How the School of Economics conducts learning and teaching – (presentations by HoS, DOLT and Stage 1 Director)
Venue: Keynes Lecture Theatre 1

12.30-13:30 Library Tour and Induction for Economics students
Venue: Templeman Library

15:00-18:00 Helpdesk (for urgent enquiries only)
Venue: Keynes Seminar Room 11

Wednesday 21 September

09:00-11:00 Induction Meeting for Third Year Mentors
Venue: Keynes Lecture Theatre 2

11.00-13:00 Economics Societies Fair – Economics Society and Kent Investment Society
Venue: Keynes Atrium

Thursday 22 September

10:00-12:00 Introduction to Personal and Academic Support System (PASS) – (presentations by Senior Tutor and Director of Learning and Teaching)
Venue: Keynes Lecture Theatre 1

14.00-16:00 Informal Group Meeting with Personal Tutors
Venue: Staff Offices

13.00-19:00 Freshers’ Fair focusing on Societies
Venue: Sports Pavilion and Eliot College

Friday 23 September

13:00-19:00 Freshers fair focusing on Sports, Volunteering and Community Work
Venue: Sports Pavilion and Eliot College

Meeting with your mentor – your mentor will email you with details of the time and venue


* Keynes Atrium is the main foyer area as you come in through the entrance of the college

** Keynes Lecture Theatre 1 is at the top of the staircase immediately after the main entrance of Keynes

*** to find Keynes Seminar Rooms 11 and 17, go to the top of the main staircase in Keynes (outside the bar), turn right into the teaching foyer and follow signs.

The Economics General Office (Keynes, near main Reception) is open from 9.30-4.30 during Freshers Week for information and help.

Further information:

Link to ‘Getting Started at Kent’ – University of Kent web page with details and instructions for new students (key dates and events, orientation week timetables, etc.)

Returning undergraduate students

All Stage 2 and 3 students must register attendance for the new academic year with the University. you should register online at by the end of September. Failure to register your attendance on time will result in withdrawal of all computing facilities and will occur a late registration fee of £50.

Students who have an outstanding debt from the previous academic year will not be able to register online and should contact Student Financial Services in the Registry.

Further information is available here.

New postgraduate students

Timetable for postgraduate students:

Wednesday 21 September

13:00-15:15 Postgraduate (Taught) Induction
Venue: Woolf Building

15:30-17:30 Postgraduate (Research) Induction
Venue: Woolf Building

Friday 23 September

10:00-12:00 MSc and PhD Economics welcome and induction meeting
Venue: Keynes Seminar Room 17

12:30-13:30 Sandwich lunch with all Graduate students
Venue: Keynes Teaching Foyer

MSc students will get advice and help in choosing their modules according to their degree programme. Carol Wilmshurst, the School’s Postgraduate Administrator, will then register your choices on the Student Data System.

We realise that in the Getting Started email you were instructed to register your modules online, however, the School of Economics only registers students’ modules after the induction meeting.