G 42340 Recto
G 42340 recto: Dimensions: 1.6 x 13.9 cm. Date: II century BC? Provenance: Arsinoites? The handwriting is a fine and careful mid-Ptolemaic one. Although the second century appears to be the most likely date of the text on the basis of the palaeographic parallels, the first half of the first century BC cannot be ruled out completely. As the end of the surviving text is damaged beyond certain legibility and as the various possible alternative restorations yield a large number of dates, we can look only to the palaeography for the dating of the text. The fragment was purchased in 1984 according to the inventory books of the Papyrussammlung, a purchase which involved papyri of probably Fayyumic origin. No more information is available on the provenance of this piece. Although the key words in the surviving part of the line are attested very frequently in the papyri from both the Hellenistic and the Roman periods, they occur only very rarely together in similar constructions. The closest of these parallels is P.Tebt. I 60 col. I.2-3 (Kerkeosiris, Arsinoites, 117), which is identical to our text almost word for word and which document lists the various categories of land in and around the village of Kerkeosiris. Another, albeit less direct, parallel is P.Tebt. I 84 (a) col. I.2-4 (Kerkeosiris, Arsinoites, 118), which text also forms part of a survey list of landed property concerning Kerkeosiris. The literal meaning of our text and these close parallels show clearly that the most likely context from which our fragment originates is a land survey list of which our fragment must have formed part of the heading. For detailed studies of land survey lists from the Hellenistic period, see the publications and discussions of the relevant individual documents in P.Tebt. I, Appendix I in P.Tebt. I pp. 538-80, P.Tebt. IV 1116-1123 with the introductions and commentaries, D. J. Crawford, Kerkeosiris; An Egyptian Village in the Ptolemaic Period (Cambridge 1971), passim, esp. 5-38 and A. M. F. W. Verhoogt, Menches, Komogrammateus of Kerkeosiris; The Doings and Dealings of a Village Scribe in the Late Ptolemaic Period (120-110 B.C.), P.L.Bat. XXIX (Leiden, New York and Cologne 1998) passim, esp. 107-48, with the previous literature cited in these works. On the verso only meagre traces of ink survive. The papyrus was published by C. A. La’da as CPR XXVIII 12.