Feed URL: https://blogs.kent.ac.uk/dhl-news/2016/03/08/247-opening-is-back/feed/?withoutcomments=1
Are you ready for the library’s 24/7 opening? The round the clock opening for exam period is back again! This means that the Library will be open 24/7 every day from Monday 21st March until Friday 17th June, including Easter and all the Bank Holidays! (See detailed service hours here.)
Please read our 24/7 Facts and FAQs which will give you useful information on services available in the library and on campus during the 24/7 opening.
Students are kindly reminded to note our “No ID, No Entry” policy. Day Passes are not issued after midnight.
We wish you good luck with your exam revision. We are here to help you!
Here’s just a few tips to remember:
- Save your work regularly on your network drive, cloud drive or USB stick. Be careful when you work on a document opened from an email; always save it first, by choosing “save as” and then selecting the correct location, before you start working on the document.
- Remember to have regular study breaks to refresh your mind. Use the “Take a Break” icon on the desktop, which allows you a 30-minute break to have a walk around or get yourself a drink from the café or vending machines.
- We operate a “Use it or Lose it” policy on unattended belongings and PCs, which means that any items left in the library for a more than 30 minutes will be removed by staff and PCs restarted for another user. Any unsaved documents and files may be lost in the process.
- Please follow the library food and drink policy; cold, non-greasy food is allowed in the Group Zone, but no food is allowed in the Quiet & Silent Zones or in the 1st floor training rooms.
- Respect everyone’s right to study and follow the zone rules; conversations in the Quiet Zone should be kept quiet and short and no talking or mobile phones in the Silent Zone. Please click on the “Noisy Neighbour” icon on the desktop if you experience any noise issues in the library.