I was a Rutherford student, graduating in 2001 with a BA in English and Comparative Literature, followed by an MA in English and Literature before training as a teacher at Christ Church in Canterbury and working at UKC until 2016 as a part-time teacher, an exams invigilator and senior invigilator and then providing support for students with disabilities.
In 2016 we moved to the peace and quiet of rural Lincolnshire, and my sporadic writing activies became more permanent. I began writing under the pen-name of Laura Lyndhurst and have to date self-published ‘Fairytales Don’t Come True’ and Degenerate, Regenerate, the first two volumes of a trilogy entitled Criminal Conversation. The third volume is a work in progress. I have also written and published two books of poetry, ‘October Poems‘ and ‘Thanksgiving Poems & Prose Pieces and have a psychological suspense story, ‘You Know What You Did’ ready for publication,
Find me on Amazon at https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=Laura+Lyndhurst&i=stripbooks&fbclid=IwAR0BpdDnTd2cAMqAkFJsyMpTekF1hqfVAEbEXdpDcPqBh_jhO5oH2zJAmpc&ref=nb_sb_noss_2
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