The recent cost of living crisis is impacting all sectors of our society and for students especially, rising costs can have a significant impact on already stretched budgets. Despite the measures the University put in place, many students were living in cold conditions, visiting food banks, and regularly skipping meals.
Thanks to generous donor support, the University of Kent community united, raising £18,000 to tackle the pressing issue of student financial hardship. These funds are providing meal plans and financial assistance to those in need, thanks to the collaborative efforts of the University’s Student Support and Wellbeing Service and Kent Union. Zaid Mahmood, President of Kent Union, expressed his deepest gratitude: “These meals funded by donors will ensure that disadvantaged and impacted students are supported and can thrive in their studies. We are incredibly grateful to everyone who donated, as the impact of this initiative will change lives!”
Furthermore, the kindness of our community enables us to offer a free hot breakfast to all students on Monday, 26 February, at the Gulbenkian café. This date also marks the one-year anniversary of the University becoming a Right To Food University, demonstrating our commitment to tackling food poverty. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every individual who contributed to Kent Giving Week 2023. As Zaid Mahmood emphasizes, “The impact of this initiative will change the lives of so many students!”
Hilary Edridge, Head of Philanthropy and Alumni Relations, says: “I would like to extend a warm and heartfelt thank you to everybody who has given, especially in light of these particularly difficult times. Your gifts will make a huge difference to our students with the rise in the cost of living”.
In the midst of these efforts, one student shared their experience, highlighting the profound impact of the support received: “This made my day as I don’t usually eat breakfast and don’t really have much motivation to get out of bed. This offer of free breakfast has really set me up for today and put me in a good productive mood, and I would like to thank you for that.”
The compassion and generosity shown during Kent Giving Week are truly making a difference in the lives of our students, providing essential support during challenging times.
Alumni and friends support our students with the cost-of-living crisis