SSES Graduate Luis Ferreira is now working for Crystal Palace FC.
Luis graduated with BSc Sports Therapy in 2017. He told us about his current role and his time at the University of Kent.
“I am currently working full time at Crystal Palace FC where I am Lead YDP Sports Therapist. This title means that I lead on injuries from the youth development phase (U13-16) but I also assist on U9-12 and also U18 & U23 squads. I started this role a year ago following a move from Notts County FC where I held the position of Lead Academy Sports Therapist.
“I love football and love the career path I chose. It’s hard work but very rewarding. I try keep in touch with everyone I’ve made bonds with at University and try help them out in any way I can.
“The lecturers there always helped get the best out of me during my time at Kent and helped with personal references when applying for jobs. These highly knowledgeable lecturers enjoyed teaching and made it easier for all of us to learn by breaking it down and also by having very engaging seminars. These same seminars, as well as the University clinic, helped me enhance my skills, professionalism and confidence which has prepared me well for where I am today.”