10.00-12.30 Two Beaches, One Case: Questions of Access, Property and Rights.
A discussion investigating the impact (on such cases as Whitstable) and the reasoning of the judgment in R (on the application of Newhaven Port and Properties Ltd) v East Sussex County Council and another [2015] UKSC 7.
Contributions from: Donald McGillivary (Sussex), Elaine Sherrat (KLS Law Clinic Solicitor) and Geoffery Samuel (KLS). (whitstablebeachcampaign.org)
Chair: Phil Hubbard (UKC).
12.30-13.30 Lunch, with film (by Simon Robinson) projected in seminar room.
13.30-14.30 Contested Thresholds.
David Herd (UKC) ‘The View from Dover (https://lareviewofbooks.org/essay/view-dover).
Mark Vacher (Copenhagen) ‘Broen//Bron – How a Dead Body can form a Region.’
Chair: Harley Ronan (Brussels/4 Cities).
14.30-15.50 Sensual (and other) Pleasures.
Pau Obrador Pons (Sutherland) ‘Placing Touch on the Beach.’
Victoria Brooks (Westminster) ‘Entanglements and Folds.’
Lavinia Brydon (UKC) ‘The People’s Pier Project.’
Chair: Lucy Finchett-Maddock (Sussex)
Break 20 mins.
16.10-17.30 Topographical Features.
Rupert Griffiths and Lai Wei ‘Engaging with topographies and traces’. (https://publicarchaeology2015.wordpress.com/lia-wei-rupert-griffiths/ and www.fragmentedcity.net/)
Patrizia Muscogiuri (Salford) ‘The Shore of the Wor(l)d. Liminality and Agency in Virginia Woolf’. (http://salford.academia.edu/PatriziaMuscogiuri)
Nathan Moore (BBK) ‘The Limit’.
Chair: Anne Bottomley (KLS).
17.30-18.00 Final discussion (Facilitated by Anne Bottomley and Ben Hickman).
18.15 Walk along Tankerton Beach.
19.00 Dinner.
20.00 Evening Performances with Rod Edmond, Claudia Molitor and Patricia Debney.