Congratulations to Dr Anne-Maria Brennan, a lecturer at the Centre for Professional Practice for being admitted a Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Educators by the Master and Court of Assistants in a Declaration Ceremony held in the City of London.
An alumnus of the University of York, Imperial College and the University of Wales, she is currently Director of Education and Lecturer in Professional Practice at the Centre for Professional Practice at the University of Kent.
Anne-Maria’s field of research is public engagement with science, particularly the interface between science, technology, culture and the arts. Author of five books (one of which formed a plotline in The Archers), she is also an acknowledged expert on the ecology of golf courses and formulated the industry standard guidelines on their sustainable design and management. She is also a specialist in forensic biology, in particular the investigation of wildlife crime.
The Worshipful Company of Educators is the 109th Livery Company to be granted this status by the City of London. It provides a forum through meetings and social occasions to bring together members from all parts of the education world to discuss and exchange views on matters of topical interest. In pursuit of these aims, the Company is inclusive in its membership and activities, transcending the traditional boundaries between the different sectors, and particularly between academe and business insofar as the latter concerns itself with education, training, and development.
You can contact Dr Anne-Maria Brennan by emailing her: