Former CPP student Stuart Gardner, MSc in Professional Practice, leads the Thinking Schools Academy Trust

The Thinking Schools Academy Trust (TSAT) has been ranked the best multi-academy trust in the country for the performance of its secondary schools by the Department of Education. It is made up of a family of schools that work together to “improve the life chances” of children and young people. From July 2017 there are 13 academies in the Trust covering two hubs, Medway and Portsmouth. This includes four secondary and nine primary/junior academies.

To read more about the Trust, follow:

Interview with Stuart Gardner, MSc in Professional Practice, Chief Executive Officer, The Thinking Schools Academy Trust.  

How do think your studies at the University of Kent enhanced your professional employment prospects?

“The Master’s in Professional Practice Teaching & Learning pathway had an immediate impact and improved my professional practice in many ways that enhanced my performance and my future professional prospects.”

What attracted you to the programme?

“The opportunity to focus on reflecting on and developing my own personal professional practice and have the opportunity to conduct research specifically of interest to me within my professional context.”

What did you particularly enjoy about studying at Kent?

“The tutors understand that this is a part-time course and that we all have many other commitments to juggle. The tutors have always been supportive in my studies and the feedback on my draft work has been exemplary. The tutors – Debbie and Tania were great as all the support staff within the Centre.”

Find out more about the MA/MSc in Professional Practice:

or MSc in Professional Practice Teaching & Learning Pathway:



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