CPCS@kent – Events taking place in the Autumn 2018 and Spring 2019 Terms

This term and next we are focussing on debates around pregnancy, fertility and technology, and highlighting the research being done by Kent Colleagues, at various career stages. All welcome, more details to follow.

Autumn Term

The Business of Birth Control: Contraceptives as Commodities before the Pill

Introduced by Dr Claire Jones, Lecturer in the History of Medicine

Wednesday December 12th


Cornwallis East Seminar Room 1


Background Reading:

‘Under the Covers? Commerce, Contraceptives and Consumers in England and Wales, 1880–1960’


Followed by end of term drinks.


Spring Term

Disruptive Technologies: Fertility control pills past, present and future

This is a half-day event, followed by drinks, with University of Kent contributions from Professor Sally Sheldon, Professor of Healthcare Law, on Early Medical Abortion and Verity Pooke, PhD Candidate, SSPSSR on Emergency Contraception. Lara Marks will be our invited speaker, Managing Editor, What is Biotechnology? http://www.whatisbiotechnology.org/ and author of Sexual Chemistry, A History of The Contraceptive Pill.

Wednesday 20th March 2019

12-6pm, Moot Room, The Wigoder Law Building [https://www.kent.ac.uk/law/wigoder.html]

Supported by Centre for Parenting Culture Studies, Centre for the Interdisciplinary Study of Reproduction and Kent Law School. ​