Tag: chss

Parliamentary event to present EXCEPT project findings 25/4/18

2pm, Wednesday 25 April, 2017 Portcullis House, House of Commons, Westminster, London This Parliamentary reception at Portcullis House will share the findings from the EU-funded EXCEPT project. “Social Exclusion of Youth In Europe: Cumulative Disadvantage, Coping Strategies, Effective Policies and Transfer” (EXCEPT)  is an innovative EU-funded research project which aims to develop effective policy initiatives …

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European Forum for Primary Care (EFPC) Symposium 2018: Integrating Primary and Community Care: an International Perspective

Canterbury Cathedral Lodge, 9am-5pm, Friday 2 March, 2018     Register now! #efpckent18 Strong primary care is the cornerstone of health systems across Europe.  This means that features including structure, access, coordination, continuity, and comprehensiveness can be observed and monitored and are part of health care policy. Increasingly it is recognised that integration between primary care …

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VIDEO Prof Sally Kendall on breastfeeding support

Film maker and anthropologist Catriona Blackburn’s latest film is ‘Invest in breast’, focusing on the crucial role of peer support groups in helping women to establish and maintain breastfeeding. CHSS Professor of Community Nursing and Public Health Sally Kendall, talks to Hannah Croft, peer supporter and co-founder of ‘Save Canterbury, Whitstable and Herne Bay Breastfeeding Support …

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CHSS newsletter

The latest CHSS Newsletter is now available to read or download on our website. We hope you enjoy our latest news, events, publications and staff updates. This issue has a global feel. We feature Professor Sally Kendall’s project in Western Australia working with Aboriginal mothers. ‘CHSS People’ (p6) profiles Dr Erica Gadsby, and her experiences of working in global …

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WATCH: Stephen Peckham presentation: Citizens Conference on Fluoride, Washington

Fluoride and Thyroid In September, Professor Stephen Peckham was a guest speaker at the 6th Citizens Conference on Fluoride in Washington. The CHSS Director presented an overview of a recent observational study which found an association between fluoridated water and underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). Rick Woychik PhD was another keynote speaker at the Conference. Rick is Deputy …

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CHSS Newsletter Summer 2017

Our latest CHSS Newsletter is now available to read or download on our website. We hope you will enjoy our latest news, events, publications and staff updates, including: a report on the highly successful CHSS pre-election health policy debate our recent KAPCU (Kent Academic Primary Care Unit) seminar exploring how primary care and mental health services can …

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CLOSING DATE EXTENDED! Fully-funded PhD Scholarship (KentHealth)

NB: closing date for applications is now (midnight) 3 July 2017 interviews take place during week commencing 10 July 2017   CHSS (Centre for Health Services Studies) is currently inviting applications for a PhD scholarship in applied health research in partnership with Bexley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), to commence September 2017. This scholarship is provided …

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Getting North Kent moving: CHSS evaluation report

A CHSS evaluation report of the effectiveness of 12-week physical activity intervention ‘Let’s Get Moving’ (LGM) has been published. Developed by the NHS and the Department of Health, LGM uses motivational interviewing to promote positive changes in health behaviour. Not-for-profit body ukactive, delivered LGM through two GP surgeries in north Kent, in partnership with Dartford, …

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BBC Radio Kent interview: Stephen Peckham – car free Canterbury day?

In a BBC Radio Kent Breakfast interview today, CHSS Director and Canterbury resident Stephen Peckham supported action to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality in the city of Canterbury. Air quality breaches directives, and there are very high levels of traffic congestion for a small city. There are an estimated 40,000+ premature deaths across …

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Watch: Jenny Billings: Implementation Science and Integrated Care

SUSTAIN: optimising care for older patients living at home Professor of Applied Health Research Jenny Billings discusses the ‘trailblazing’ SUSTAIN project in a new short video taken at a recent project partners’ meeting in Oxford. SUSTAIN aims to improve established integrated care (IC) initiatives for older people living at home with multiple health and social …

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