Tag: chss

COVID-19 and Social Care – CHSS expert comments

CHSS Research Associate Dr Rasa Mikelyte has recently featured on KMTV commenting on Coronavirus and UK Social Care. COVID-19: Why have UK care home residents been so badly affected?  29/6/20 Rasa talks about the ‘devastating but not surprising’ statistics around Coronavirus in UK care homes. She gives her views on why they compare so badly …

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CHSS Newsletter Summer 2020

The Summer 2020 CHSS Newsletter is out now. This issue, written over the lockdown period, features latest CHSS research and news, including a look at the many varied media stories that the Centre team have been involved in shaping. Senior Clinical Research Fellow Lindsay Forbes who has been a frequent expert commentator on Coronavirus; is …

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Welcome Dr Natalia Gusak

CHSS welcomes Dr Natalia Gusak to the Centre until August from the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine, funded by the Global Challenges Doctoral Centre. Natalia is Head of the School of Social Work Department. Her postdoctoral appointment will see her work with Professor Sally Kendall and Dr Olena Nizalova on the collaborative study exploring …

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CHSS Health and Social Care PhD Opportunities

These five 3-year full-time (5 years part-time) PhD scholarships are supported by the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Kent, Surrey and Sussex. ARC KSS aims to develop applied health and social care research across the region for the benefit of patients and the public. We are keen to invite applications from potential PhD applicants to undertake …

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Coronavirus and our health and social care system

How could COVIDー19 impact the UK health and social care system?    As confirmed cases of COVID-19 continue rising in the UK, CHSS Senior Clinical Research Fellow (Public Health) Dr Lindsay Forbes has commented on the likely impacts on the UK health and social care system. Lindsay said: ‘The key issues with COVID-19 seem to be …

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CHSS Newsletter Winter/Spring 2020

The new CHSS newsletter is now available to read or download on our website. We feature the latest CHSS news and events including an update from the wonderful OPEL project which is seeking to find out what works best, for whom and under what circumstances, when receiving Hospice at Home Services. We are also happy to report …

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Prestigious NIHR Award for CHSS Director

Professor of Health Policy Stephen Peckham, Director of CHSS has been appointed NIHR Senior Investigator (SI). The award is one of 28 given to outstanding national research leaders in the NIHR 2020 SI appointments. Stephen, who is also Founding Director of the new NIHR Applied Research Collaboration, Kent Surrey and Sussex (ARC KSS) said ‘This …

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Breastfeeding Men

Ugandan fathers who demand breast milk; CHSS Research Fellow Dr Rowena Merritt talks to BBC Woman’s Hour 30/1/20 Rowena joins Jeni Murray and guests to discuss the emotive issue of breastfeeding among Ugandan fathers. In parts of the country men demand that their partners suckle them, often taking milk before baby has fed. Little is …

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