CHSS welcomes applications for (HEEKSS)/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Programme 2020/21

Health Education England Kent, Surrey and Sussex (HEEKSS)/NIHR Integrated Clinical Academic Programme Internships 2020-2021

CHSS will continue as a provider for the Health Education England Kent Surrey Sussex (HEEKSS)/National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Integrated Clinical Academic Programme (ICAP) 2020-21

Funding has been awarded to the Centre to enable up to eleven successful interns to receive a bespoke learning and development programme. HEEKSS will award funding to support backfill cost, tuition fees and reasonable expenses. 

Available to Nurses, Midwives, and Non-Medical Applied Health Professionals, the ICAP is intended to develop practitioners confidence to apply their newly learned skills within their employing Trusts, become research champions and prepare applicants to apply for a NIHR Pre-doctoral Clinical Academic Fellowship, and in the long-term apply for Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship, Clinical Lectureship or Senior Clinical Lectureship.

The internship scheme will:

  • Develop research and research capabilities throughout all levels of the NHS and Social Care in order to enhance and diffuse evidence based practice
  • Provide the opportunity to develop a network of clinical academics so that learning, best practice and innovation can be shared and disseminated
  • Support the development of clinical skills as well as research skills
  • Encourage research into areas related to HEE’s Mandate or to education and training as a whole
  • Offer an insight into a career in clinical academia and provide experience which would support applications for further formal research training.

More information:
To discuss the programme and request the University of Kent Application Form 2020-21
email Dr Julie MacInnes:

Closing date for applications:
apply online and upload all supporting documentation to University of Kent by:
5pm, Friday 18 September 2020

Guidance for applicants: UoK FAQ ICAP 2020-21

UoK Application form ICAP 2020021


More information on the ICA programme on Health Education England website:

More information on internships on Health Education England website: